
Friday, December 17, 2010

Bejewelled 3, Super Meat Boy, Rush and Unicorns

Taking a break from massive quest games and machine gunning down hordes of Cubans or Taliban, which is the usual propaganda we are fed (make believe or pro US government agenda - fantasy is also a tool of the war machine), I was happy to observe the recent release of Bejewelled 3. I enjoyed the previous incarnations and felt it was time for a bit of gem busting. What great fun! Fast, addictive and a brain teaser. Get it for an afternoon or three of pleasant absorbtion. Graet with a drink and some snacks.

Also of note is the excellent Super Meat Boy. A platform game where you play a slab of meat, squirting blood wherever you hop, skip and jump. Great fun, super friendly and very instant. No waiting time at all. I particularly like the multi replays when you complete the level showing multiple yous falling into spinning razors for incarnations that didn't quite make it.
Contining my burst of fluffy funness in small games, a puzzler called Rush is coming down the wire, and a fun word game Text Twist 2, the first of which I have played before.

Recommended to all.

Talking of fantasy, I listened to an excellent "In Our Time" in the dark last night. Melvin was discussing with various boffs about unicorns. It was really fascinating. Originally reported BC from some folks who had ventured into India claiming a savage beast that could purify water by dipping its horn into the pool. Some conflicting information with White Rhinos and some amazing depictions in art through the ages. Unicorns also abound throughout the bible.
And there is a sequence of tapestries called the Hunt of The Unicorn which are described in detail.
The Danish used to trade unicorn horns with the English in medival times. They were actually the tusks of narwhals caught of the coast of Greenland. But who was to know. A small container of ground unicorn horn was in every fashionable lady's beauty case in the days of old.

Well worth a listen, as are all of In Our Time podcasts.

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