
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A Poem for Young Arthur Beck

Matthew Beck

I knew a man, your uncle be,

As strong and fine as any,

And though no longer can we see,

He fills the hearts of many.

In Guildford town, we knocked about,

We laughed and joked our time thoughout,

Through all those endless days of joy,

Amid the streets, we did deploy.

And for a while, it was we three,

Young Daniel, Matthew Beck and me,

A carefree song of youth we sang,

We were a very, merry gang.

And time flew past, as you will see,

A different road leads you from me,

But good friends shall e'er remain,

Fair and true, in life's great pain.

A shadow comes to steal and wreck,

My fine companion, Matthew Beck,

Yet in our hearts we know so true,

His love will always shine for you.

So young Arthur, look and see,

The branches of your family tree,

Your loving father Daniel be,

The twin of Matthew Beck is he.

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