Fuck, what an awful Christmas. So strange too, because for once I was actually half looking forward to it. I shall have to stop doing that.
Young Grace appears to have a throat infection. "A small cut." Stated the doctor, among doctors. Probably caused by a nut or fragment of crisp I am guilty of feeding her upon occasion. Hence she has been crying and in pain ceaselessly, all of which has become pretty darn stressful, I can tell you. By late afternoon, I had had enough and started to come over all funny, as I do when stress gets too much. I hadn't managed to get away at any point in time yesterday, which is something I always try to do and encourage Oi to do. Normally, I would go for a bike ride and get some fresh air, but yesterday it didn't happen. So, I locked myself out the back with some bottles of Archa beer, soft lights and music and attempted to chill while Oi held the fort.
Patrick and Adam sprang to the rescue late at night with bundles of Guinness and beer and merry Irish laughter. It was such a relief. Looking back I realise most of my fail-safe stop valves were ignored this past week. Namely, I didn't see any of my friends, usual no cash at the end of the month, no gym or exercise owing to no cash and no getaway from the wife and baby for a breath of air.
Anyway, I got my relief last night.
I wake up this morning and Oi is crying with the stress from Grace. She might even be a tad paranoid which I pointed out. Grace is underweight, not eating her food and definitely pretty grumpy at the moment. Personally, I think she is better from her throat but Oi is taking it all to heart. She is back at the doctor's now. I stayed home to get some space. I suggested that maybe Grace is going through a period of change which might be causing her pain and confusion, but right now Oi cannot console herself. I suggested we take a break to Songkhla for a couple of days to get away from hanging around the house. Grace is also desperate to be outside at all times these days. Even in the blazing heat. And right now she is so determined to get what she wants that we go through an entire procedure of head shaking and "EEEEHHHH!!!!" sounds before we find out what it is she requires.
Lucky we have a lonely, bored neighbour who doesn't mind taking Oi to the doctors.
The plot continues...
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