
Sunday, May 8, 2011


Sunday evening and all is fairly ship-shape.

The house rennovations have been complete as far as Grace's new playroom is concerned and Oi's mundatory rearranging session. For a while I thought it was never going to end, the moving of grotestue plastic Thai cabinets and the like, but eventually it all fell into place and it doesn't look that bad. In fact, sometimes I feel that we really do live quite an idyllic life here. Our days are spent eating and playing and taking showers and relaxing. Alas, I must return to work a week tomorrow and young Grace joins the nursery tomorrow morning. Poor dear. I really did feel a stab of pain when Oi told me Grace would be gone until 3 o'clock as soon as she is able. As well as the pain in my heart and all the stories laid upon me about how when they go to school they begin to lead a life without you, I also felt the horror of my offspring being sucked into the system, especially such a backward system they have in this poor country. I won't go down that road I promise.

So, I am quite engrossed in Game of Thrones book series, as well as watching the TV show. On top of this I am into my second Cadfael story and trying a few history books about medieval Europe. I have also been searching for various quality TV series to get into. It's so easy just dragging them into my flash drive and popping it in the back of the HD box.

Yes, I now possess 50 episodes of In the Night Garden.

Gaming news. Witcher 2 has become available and am now just awaiting the crack before the epic quest begins. The first installment was a fantastic adventure that I, sadly failed to complete, but I must have been quite close to the end.

Tom is in Koh PhangNgan with Patrick no less. I am hoping Pat will see fit to be pals again, for I am weary of the way people have cut me off the past few years. Makes one not want to make friends anymore. I think of my dad and Nicholas who don't have these pals calling around. I expect I shall end up like them with my head buried in books, and happy to stay at home with a wife.

I have a bunch of new songs to use in the school with the kids. Phit told me of some stuff on Utube which I have since acquired and converted to audio format. Getting quite nifty with the apps.

Carcassonne is yet to be played. Perhaps when Grace is at nursery. I have a feeling my pals won't be too interested. It seems, I am alone in my love of games.

I did my first evening jaunt through  the countryside on my bike today. Lovely to be out in the dusky air, admiring the green, tropical hills and rice paddys.

Life goes on...

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