
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Upgrade Complete

I got my PC back this afternoon. It is a bohemoth. Witcher 2 now plays at high spec, not ultra unfortunately, but the difference is instantly noticeable. No jerking, super smooth rolling around and zoom/panning around the head of our hero. By horrible luck, I happened to have rejoined the game fighting a hard core nut boss. So, I am forced to engage in a horrible fight, which I have had to research onine, in order to get past this and enjoy gently blowing leaves and insects buzzing about that the high spec performance can offer.

It cost 11,400 Baht and includes a new main board and a grpahics card. It will see me through the array of games that are due to be released this Summer. A list that includes Duke Nukem, Deux Ex 3, Dungeon Siege 3, Elder Scrolls, Star Wars Old Republic, Mass Effect 3, Diablo 3...there is even a new Call of Juarez! And I will have a fairly chunky rig to play them on, which is so great. Just have to sort out my back and stop relying on gin to take the pain away.

Poor Grace has been in tears all evening, ever since we squirted med down her throat. I told Oi we have to stop that now and it appears like horrific torture to me - having meds forced down your throat. I got some resistance but I think that will vapourise.

Life is okay, but I know that Grace being sick does no favours for Oi and I, as we are both feeling tender and raw at this time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, starting pre-school means a string of bugs that they will build defences against.