
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Eel Pie Island

Wednesday night and have spent a pleasant evening with Oi and Grace. I moved her play mattress into my workroom where we can all lie down and watch TV an d Grace can loll about making grabs for the remote control. I have acquired "Kingdom" with old Stephen Fry which seems very English and relaxed and pleasant viewing.

I have managed to get my behind down to the pool twice so far this week and doing a now increased 15 laps. 12 just wasn't enough. Hence, I am feeling energised and my muscles warmed. I also put in a few more plants we bought the other day. The garden is starting to fill up now.

One fun thing about Grace is her bossy nature. Actually, Oi called her The Boss as she has a little anger spate when she is bored of the current activity and required a change. Her body stiffens, normally there is a agonised frown across her face and the right up thrust up and then dramatically down as she emits a "GRRR!" sound. Not dissimilar to Miss Piggy from the Muppet Show. We quickly launch into action to determine what activity she requires; milk, walking around the garden, hurtling through the air etc. Yes, she is quite the little madam. She always needs a little walk with me before bedtime. Only Papa's comforting arms can send diddums to sleepybyes. Oi gets immensely frustrated by this secret I appear to possess.

Still fairly busy but more in control now. Fitness, as usual, is the answer to it all.

Nearly awesome Coast and Country podcast took a visit to Eel Pie Island in London. It was fascinating and great fun. Anyone, wanting an adventure should go check it out. I wish I could go. It sounds magical. Anyone been there?

Oh well...back to Stephen Fry.

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