
Monday, March 15, 2010

Summer of Repairs (Mafia Revisited)

No, not The Summer of Drugs by rock legends Soul Asylum, but rather the Summer when my motorcycle and air-con unit in the playroom broke down.

Actually, I always secretly enjoy when technology fails as ones feels instant relief at being thrown back to the Dark Ages for a but few brief days. I enjoyed a pleasant walk back from the garage and spied several previously unobserved shops of interest on the way home. Normally, I whizz past all these things like the rest of the teeming millions. Yes, I spied two language schools. Hell, I might even call in and enquire about a job! That's the call of destiny for you.

Mafia. A joyride of a game played lovingly during my year in Sadao. Before my then girlfriend, Muk, ran off with all my worldly goods. Now, rediscovered on the Rapidshare forums, downloaded and installed. These days, with wonderful increases in levels of technology, this lost jewel plays at maximum setting with ease and I can enjoy every slug from my baseball bat or magnum 48 without the slightest judder. What joy! And what a great find. Of course, this was prompted by some comments from another user relishing similar protection racket raids whilst waiting for the imminent release of Mafia 2!

All bods with ageing computers can probably DL this gem for a great adventure. System Shock 2 lovers should definitely apply.

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