
Thursday, April 14, 2011


Three of my four dentists appointments are out of the way. Yes, I had neglected my teeth for over ten years and I felt very small when he told me things weren't great in the cakehole. Still, things are underway.

Yesterday, Oi, Grace and myself went to see Wendy Collett, which was great fun. We walked around the heath and fed the ducks. She had to buy some rhubarb so we accompanied her to the market on the way back home. She called Peter while we were there but, unfortunately, he was cat-sitting at the time and we were unable to speak.

Continuing the Collett Revisited tour, I went for a drink with Charles in the evening. We went to the Square Brewery and had HSB (Horndean Special Bitter, to the uninformed) and then some Cornish Doom Bar ale in Foggies. We talked about old times and life views etc. He was a tad knackered so we didn't stay out too late. I made the terrible mistake of having a kebab on the way home. Actually, it wasn't too bad and kept me from thinking about how chilly it has become over the last couple of days.

Nicholas is off for his anal probe this morning. He has been unable to eat for the past day as he cleans out his insides. Although he doesn't like it, he is more than prepared.

One of Mum's Bridge partners is sleeping with her in the cabin at the moment. That means the house is fairly chocha and there is a constant fight as to who can get into the bathroom.

I am hoping to see some Bluebells as the man on the telly said they were out two weeks early. I think there are some near Trotton, so I aim to show them to Oi. Unfortunately, our camera has bust, and I left mum's at Jimmy V's house and I won't see him until Friday.

With mounting costs and debts to pay I can't see us making it back over here anytime soon. I will almost certainly have to do some extra work in Thailand and Oi will have to start working again. The fun times could be over but I guess it had to happen sometime, and Grace is ready to join the system, poor lass. Although, everyone I meet tells me having the house in Portsmouth is a good thing and that I should keep it, regular repairs eat up the majority of my savings. We are at the point now of any more major repairs and we may be forced to sell it. Sucks.

Not too many boxes to tick off here in UK now, and I am making mental preparations to start back to the school. Hopefully, it will be lovely and pleasant and despondency  won't set in until late in the year. I will endeavour to introduce some new stuff to keep everything fresh.

Back at home I am looking forward to downloading a modest queue of PC games that have been released whilst abroad and I have made a decision to acquire an N-box and get another terrabyte harddrive so I can view TV and movies at home without burning any DVDs.

The weather may have peaked too and it will be good to get out into the garden again. Grace has developed quite a lot and it will be interesting to see what the neighbours make of her.


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