
Monday, April 11, 2011


The weather has been fantastic for nearly the whole holiday and I actually got sun burnt at Marwell on Saturday. We had a great time with Jimmy V and family. Grace loves being with Jim's kids and Sophie and Heidi have been very sweet to Grace.

Dan Beck came over from Wiltshire last week and we had lunch at the Harrow and a walk around the heath. It was great to catch up and obviously, we talked about Matt. It was sad to see him without his brother. It must be incredibly tough for him and his family. Thank heavens young Arthur came along to bring some joy into the world.

Just over a couple of weeks left of our holiday and we have to start thinking about trying to fit everything into our suitcases and what ever last things that we want to do and buy. I want to get some more books and stuff for the kids at school. My current favourite is the books about Maisy, I will snap up as many as I can find.

Still yet to catch up with a couple of people.

I have finally started to cut down on eating, as I was feeling really awful; fat and bloated and going to bed on a full stomach. Things like chocolate biscuits now taste incredibly sweet and the years have taken their toll. I hate being ill and feeling like shit, so I am trying to eat very moderately and staple foods that I can easily digest.

After a filling fell out in Cornwall, I was ordered to go to the dentist. I now have 3 appointments to attend and a whole bunch of teeth pulling. Also, an order to get a wisdom tooth pulled back home in Thailand. Oh boy! I won't talk about how much it costs.

Overall, I am coming away with thoughts that it has been a great time, yet fairly content to be heading back to Hat Yai and the kindergarten. It's stress free, pleasant and small (in a nice way). Spending breezy days at home and in the garden is about where I am at right now.

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